Exploring Naturalists Impacting SC & Beyond


This ETV LEARN course Exploring Naturalists Impacting SC & Beyond with naturalist Rudy Mancke, host of SCETV’s NatureScene (on PBS 25 years), examines key naturalists – those who came early and ones that followed – who made an impact in the Carolinas and beyond, exhibiting connections between humans and the natural world. The study of naturalists combines history, natural history, art, and science … rolled into one, an interdisciplinary approach. Highlighting key naturalists from the 1700s to today, including Lawson, Catesby, Linnaeus, Bartram, Abbot, Audubon, Bachman, Muir, Leopold, Carson, Humboldt, and Wilson, plus related NatureScene programs with “Rudy Xtras” and online resources for K-12 classroom use, the course provides enlightening, informative PD for educators of all subjects/grade levels.

*The Exploring Naturalists Impacting SC & Beyond course cannot be used to satisfy undergraduate or graduate degree program requirements. It is the EDUCATOR'S RESPONSIBILITY to contact your professional development coordinator PRIOR TO REGISTRATION to determine if this course meets your professional development plan and/or certificate renewal requirements.

Price: $75.00