Making Connections with Natural History Featuring Rudy Mancke, Series II


This ETV Teacher Recertification course entitled Making Connections with Natural History Featuring Rudy Mancke, Series II for 20 renewal credits is designed for educators on all grades levels, in all subject areas and will assist teachers with integrating natural history into their curriculum to engage learners. This second course - Series II – features other “Natural History Connects” segments where Rudy talks more about diversity, connections and resiliency, and a special series of programs with experts who talk about how nature came back after the Chernobyl event. Also included are other ETV programs and resources to use with students as teachers discover how they can help students K-12 make connections with the world around them. *Recommended educators participate in Series I before Series II.

NOTE: Educators who have taken the 60 renewal credit course Natural History In and Out of Classroom with Rudy Mancke may take any of the other ETV Teacher Recertification environmental education and Natural History 20 renewal credit courses. The 20 renewal credit courses contain different content from the Natural History 60 renewal credit course.

Price: $75.00