The Arts and Career Connections, Series II


This ETV LEARN course for 20 renewal credits features interesting and educational arts and media arts video-based resources to support arts educators, school guidance and career professionals, and regular classroom teachers. As the follow-up course to the first course, Series II can be valuable to all educators who seek to know more about the arts and career possibilities in arts-related fields in order to share this knowledge with students and parents as they help guide students in their focus of studies and prepare them for higher education or entering the world of work. Featured are professionals in a wide variety of arts and media-arts related careers, including professional photography, printing, graphics, forensic art, art therapy, landscape design, broadcast technical operations, animation, documentary film making, digital entertainment research/development, media programming, and arts education. In addition to the discussions and biographical interviews, we look at the lives and work of other visual and performing artists, all with SC connections, highlighted as part of the South Carolina Hall of Fame, SC African American History Calendar and Carolina Stories programs, plus other K-12 resources available in ETV’s (KIA) and PBS LearningMedia. (It is recommended - but not required - that SC educators participate in Series I prior to taking Series II.)

This course is approved by the SC Department of Education for teachers holding SC teaching licenses to earn 20 renewal credits.

Price: $75.00